Last year’s question papers give students the opportunity to practice questions that might be on the final exams. It makes the students feel more confident. They think they can do well on the exam because they have already solved these questions.
If you look at the old question papers, you will see that IGNOU repeats the same questions in their exams. However, IGNOU does not ask the same questions again. Instead, IGNOU provides these questions directly during the exam.
To better understand how exams are structured and what types of questions are asked, students should review IGNOU question papers. Solving IGNOU question paper will help students get familiar with the way IGNOU is structured and how it is formatted. It helps students understand what questions they might have and shows them how to manage their time during exams. Solving old IGNOU question papers can help students understand what kind of questions are asked and how difficult they are. Keep reading to find out more about the IGNOU question paper.
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management (PGDIHRM)
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor of Business Administration (Services Management) (BBASM)
Certificate in NGO Management (CNM)
Doctoral Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Management (PHDMGMT) (Regular Mode)